Posted on: 12 February, 2010

Author: Neil A Jackson

Are you failing to make money online through affiliate marketing? Or have you just started out, and you want to know how to write successful articles? Imagine writing articles that double and even treble your CTR (click through rate) and boost your affiliate sales. If you read every word of this article you will discover a method to create successful articles and raise your CTR. There are literally thousands of people that make money online through affiliate marketing, a large number of these people have made a very comfortable living at it and some have become millionaires.Yet there are a whole lot more that fail to make any money at all. Now they all know what affiliate marketing entails, just as you do. They have done all their keyword research and pinpointed their niche. They have found some good products and built a good looking lens,blog or website. So why is it that some make a fortune, yet others don't make a penny? Well, read on and I'll tell you. It's all about the way they construct their articles. The difference between a successful article and one that gets its fair share of views but no clicks is not about good grammar or spelling. It's about making sure the reader keeps reading, and gets through to the resource box in the right frame of mind. To be able to do this and create successful articles, first you have to picture the people who will be reading it. You have to figure out what their problem could be, why they haven't solved it and then convince them that your solution to that problem is the one they want. Also you have to understand that most people don't like to be sold to. There are 5 main steps you need to think about in the method of good article writing. 1. What is your potential buyers problem? 2. Why haven't they solved it? 3. How would their life be different if they did solve it? 4. Why is it possible that you can now solve their problem? 5. Tell your reader what to do next Can you imagine the difference it would make to your sales if you learned how to create successful articles with your eyes closed? You would know how to get into your readers head and convince them that what you have is exactly what they need. Your CTR would rise enormously and so would your sales. Article Tags: Successful Articles, Article Writing Source: Free Articles from Don't waste any more of your precious time writing articles that aren't working. Learn the proven method to write successful articles and boost your CTR, your sales and start to make money online. Discover how the experts do it by visiting and become one of the successful article marketers.