Posted on: 26 October, 2011

Author: Tricia Deed

Is your dog experiencing ear infections, skin irritations, cysts, and other unpleasant health issues? People have been cooking meals for their dogs and swear home cooked meals have solved many of these problems. A while back someone asked me about dogs’ ears having a foul odor. Well, for the last ten years and still continuing. Our family cocker spaniel, Brandy, has also had his ears medicated off and on for chromic ear infections. Many people stand by the fact that home cooked meals for their dogs has helped very much to lessen or remove ear infections. Yes, he has had his ears cleaned and deep cleaned by the vet and all of the above have relieved the symptoms, but none have cured his ear infections. Are you continuing to have the same problems with your floppy eared dogs? Through the years he has built a resistance to the medications and I am exasperated. I too have turned to home cooked meals and raw meat. Now I am one of those people who swear that the change in nutrition has made a big difference. Foods which are harmful to dogs and should not be included are: As you may well know, whenever you change foods for your pets it needs to be a gradual process. I have been giving my dog both raw meats and home cooked foods. Make changes slowly in order to observe changes. Unexpected Results: Ear Infections Results: The ear infections have been greatly reduced. Ears need to be cleaned a minimum of twice a week. Some people are skittish working with raw meat. Prepare raw meat the same way you prepare for your family. Work with fresh meat, clean utensils, clean cutting board, and keep doggies dishes clean. I cut meat at one time and portion into serving sizes and freeze what is not being used for the day. There are excellent home cooked recipes which can be found in many books, pet trade magazines, and Online. It needs repeating that chocolate is toxic to dogs because it contains a chemical called Theo bromine. In the office of my veterinarian is a special poster available for the public to read. There is a new garden mulch product which contains Theo bromine. The mulch product supposedly retards cats from entering your garden and dogs are said not to eat it. It has been discovered dogs are dying from this mulch. The poster indicated that death can occur within a few hours or about eighteen hours after ingestion. Are you tired of struggling with infected ears or other health maladies? Discover how home cooked foods are a blessing for correcting health maladies caused by poor nutrition. Visit the pet section at and review Dog Food Secrets. Source: Free Articles from